Friday, May 8, 2020

Why Use a Hypothesis Statement?

Why Use a Hypothesis Statement?The use of a hypothesis statement is more specific than many other forms of statement. This is not because it requires more thought, but because the difficulty lies in the fact that most people do not like to be asked too many questions. After all, if you can not answer a question then it is quite simple to say that you do not know. If you can answer a question then you will have to explain your answer to the best of your ability.The use of a hypothesis statement requires much thought and understanding. First of all, you must have an idea about how the study of a phenomenon can be separated into two or more hypotheses. From this point of view there are three types of statements: descriptive statements, explanatory statements and prediction statements.A descriptive statement describes a particular aspect of a phenomenon. It tells us the general shape of the phenomenon, the nature of the pattern or the basic type of the elements in the phenomenon. Then it provides us with a link between the various aspects of the phenomenon and its elements. Examples of such statements are: 'There are 5 apples and they are round, which means they are of one specific shape.' This statement shows that the apple has a certain type of shape, but does not state the precise shape.An explanation statement is less general and more precise than a description and offers an explanation for something specific. For example, the explanation of how apples got round states that they got round because of their particular shape. It explains how the apples got round but is not able to state the exact shape. Examples of such statements are: 'This apple is round because of its shape.'A prediction statement is about the future of a phenomenon. If you did not get an explanation for how something can be related to a specific aspect of the phenomenon then a prediction statement would be the answer. For example, 'The roundness of the apple will increase after three months. T he shape of the apple will become smoother.' This statement would predict the future of the apple as the series of events did follow the prediction.When you want to know more about the properties of a phenomenon and the patterns found in the world around us you can look for a hypothesis statement. It can help you solve problems concerning how things are related to each other and to the whole universe.You should also remember that if you have to have a statement which fits one problem and perhaps explains it, then you may have to make a description statement. It may be important to explain what we mean by 'one specific type of thing' so that we can make an estimate of its size.What we are trying to say is that the use of a hypothesis statement in science can help you. At least you can see how many variables you need to know and what it takes to model and understand them all.

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